Language Friendly School

Pioneering In Language Inclusion

Christina Gordon is excited to be the FIRST school in Alberta to join the Language Friendly Schools program, an organization of schools from around the world that collaborate to promote multilingualism, diversity, inclusion and language learning for our students.

As a language-friendly school we:

Develop a Language Friendly School Plan that is tailored to our needs and priorities.

Our Pledge to Multilingual Students:

We do not punish, prohibit or discourage the use of other languages at school by pupils or their parents. We do not advise parents to speak another language at home with their children. We do not allow exclusion or bullying around languages, dialects or accents.

What Do We Do?

We celebrate multi-lingualism by:

  • Networking with Language Friendly Schools from around the world to establish best practices.
  • Translating our school newsletters, handbook, and other documentation into multiple languages.
  • Providing small group instruction for newcomer students learning English.
  • Hanging flags representing our students' home countries.
  • Hosting a multicultural night every year.
  • Embedding diversity, equity and inclusion as the mainstay of our school culture.
  • And much more!